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INUSpherese® Reference List

Quellen im Zusammenhang mit der INUSpherese® TKM-58:

Straube, R.; Müller, g.; Voit-Bak, K.; Tselmin, S.; Julius, U.;

Schatz, U.; Rietzsch, H.; Reichmann, H.; Chrousos, G.P.;

Schürmann, A.; Jark, L.; Ziemssen, T.; Siepmann,

T. & Bornstein, S.R. (2019).

Metabolic and non-metabolic peripheral neuropathy: Is there a place for therapeutic apheresis? Hormone and Metabolic Research,

51 (12), 779-784

Straube, R.; Voit-Bak, K.; Gor, A.; Steinmeier, T.; Chrousos, G.P.; Boehm, B.O.; Birkenfeld, A.L.; Barbir, M.; Balanzew,

W. & Bornstein, S.R. (2019).

Lipid profiles in Lyme borreliosis: A potential role for apheresis?

Hormone and Metabolic Research, 51 (05), 326-329.

Bornstein, S.R.; Voit-Bak, K.; Morawietz, H.; Bornstein, A.B.;

Balanzew, W.; Julius, U.; Rodionov, R.N.; Biener, A.M.; Wang,

J.; Schulte, K.M.; Krebs, P.; Vollmer, G. & Straube, R. (2020).

Is there a role for environmental and metabolic factors predisposing to severe COVID-19? Hormone and Metabolic Research, 52 (07), 540-546.

Bornstein, S.R.; Voit-Bak, K.; Rosenthal, P.; Tselmin, S.; Julius,

U.; Schatz, U.; Boehm, B.O.; Thuret, S.; Kempermann, G.;

Reichmann, H.; Chrousos, G.P.; Licino, J.; Wong, M.-L.; Schal-ly, A.V. (Nobel prize winner) & Straube, S.R. (2020).

Extracorporeal apheresis therapy for Alzheimer disease-targeting lipids, stress, and inflammation. Molecular Psychiatry, 25, 275-282.

Bornstein, S.R.; Voit-Bak, K.; Donate, T.; Rodionov, R.N.; Gainetdinov, R.R.; Tselmin, S.; Kanczowski, W.; Müller, G.M.; Achleitner, M.; Wangm, J.; Licino, J.; Bauer, M.; Young, A.H.; Thuret, S.; Bechmann, N. & Straube, R. (2022).

Chronic post-COVID-19 syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome: Is there a role for extracorporeal apheresis? Molecular Psychiatry, 27, 34-37.

Yin, X.; Takov, K.; Straube, R.; Voit-Bak, K.; Graessler, J.; Julius, U.; Tselmin, S.; Rodionov, R.; Barbir, M.; Walls, M.; Theofilators, K.; Mayr, M. & Bornstein, S.R. (2022).

Precision medicine approach for cardiometabolic risk factors in therapeutic apheresis. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 54 (04), 238-249.

Scholkmann, F. & Tsenkova, R. (2022).

changes in water properties in human tissue after double filtration plasmapheresis. Molecules, 27 (12), 3947.

Scholkmann, F. & Gatti, A.M. (2022).

Particles in the eluate from double filtration plasmapheresis___A case study using field emission scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (FE-SEM/EDX). Compounds, 2 (4), 367-377.

Allgemeine Quellen und Literaturhinweise:

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Adverse events lipoproteln apheresls and immunoadsorption at the Apheresis Centerat the University Hospital Dresden.

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Hohenstein B., Passauer J.; Ziemssen T. and Julius U.

Immunoadsorption with regenerating systems in neurological disorders - A single center experience Atheroscler Suppl 2015; 119-123.

Dogan Onugoren MD, Golombeck K, Bien C et al.

Immunoadsorption therapy in autoimmune encephalitis. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 2016; 3 (2);e 207 DOI 10.1212/NXI.0000000000000207

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Correlation between COVID-19 severity and previous exposure of patients to Borrelia spp

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